Monday, August 20, 2012

The Ring Road to Akureyri

We headed out of Hofn, driving along the coast and then over the mountains into the cold desert and finally past Lake Mytvan and into Akureyri.  It was amazing the difference in the landscape throughout the day.  

 Our trip across Iceland took us on the Ring Road, which is the main (and often only) route around the country.  Because most of the population lives in Western Iceland (two thirds of the ~300,000 in Reykjavik alone), the roads in the eastern half of the country are small typically two lanes with frequent one lane bridges.  To get from Hofn to Akureyri, we traveled on an even less developed portion.  I repeat that this is THE MAIN ROAD!

 Waterfall (foss in Icelandic) along the road

Cold Desert

 The Knafla volcanic area

Our indie rock cover album

 Godafoss Waterfall

Akureyrarkirkja, the church in Akureyri done by the same architect as the one in Reykjavik.
(yes that is a boat hanging in the sanctuary)

 The Botanical Garden in Akureyri:

 My dream for the front yard

  In the cafe at the botanical garden

Hof, the Music Hall


h.Lo said...

Beautiful! I also saw these votive ships hanging in churches. Such a cool thing. :)

Mike Habeck said...

Trees! I didn't know they had those in Iceland. I'm enjoying the series very much. Sounds and looks like a great destination...

Elizabeth said...

Mike---we didn't see very many trees! (good to hear from you by the way! hope all is well in IN).

Average Woman Runner said...

Oh my gosh! Love that music hall.