Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cold Tail

Now that life is settling down again, I'm back to blogging. I must say I am glad to see March is ending. These past couple months have been rough. March certainly isn't going out like a lamb, though; as I write this, snowflakes are falling.

Thursday, we got a scare. Andy stayed home from work and partway through the morning, Ramona started acting really strange. She was extra clingy, and her tail wouldn't wag. Those of you who know Ramona know that she is an extremely waggly dog, so it was a pretty extraordinary situation. When I got home from work, she tried to wag, yelped in pain, and more or less fell down. All in all, it was terrible! BUT there's good news. Her ailment, it turns out, was a temporary one known as cold tail (more info here). It turns out this is fairly common in hunting dogs and is generally caused by overexertion, frequently in cold water. We had taken Ramona to the creek on Wednesday for her first water of the year. Apparently, she overdid it. Ramona was back wagging the next morning and was up to 100% by Saturday.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama picks Carolina

In other Obama-related news, check out the new Obama-themed German frozen food product.

***Sorry for the lack of posting has been a little crazy this month.