Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Drinking in Church

Here's the first Pittsburgh related post. On Sunday, we appropriately dined at The Church Brew Works. It's a converted church that serves tasty beer and tasty food. The fare includes traditional pierogies* as well as special untraditional pierogies, which on Sunday were chicken cordon bleu with mustard. The food (both kinds of pierogies, meatloaf for the ladies, chicken pot pie for the gentleman) was excellent and the beer was quite tasty. If you find yourself in Pittsburgh around a meal time (and have already eaten kielbasa), head to the Church Brew Works.

The outside a church

the bar area - check the stained glass

Jackie contemplating her Pious Monk Dunkel

*Pierogies are dumplings generally filled with savory ingredients, most commonly mashed potatoes and cheese, and often topped with onions. The wikipedia article, which can't be wrong, says: "Pierogi are commonly associated with Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania." After all, where else is there a Pierogi Race staring Oliver Onion.

...more Pittsburgh posts in the works....

1 comment:

Shawn said...

that is completely awesome!