Friday, May 23, 2008

The Soldiering Life

Many of you may have heard about the 75,000+ people who attended an Obama rally in Portland. If you haven't seen it yet, John posted a stellar picture from the Marquam bridge. Pitchfork had a sweet article about conservatives claiming that a large part of the attendance at the rally was due to the Decemberists concert before hand, which is pretty funny. Portland loves their Decemberists, but I just don't think that had much to do with the 75 gr. who showed up. Click here for the story.


Maddog said...

Just think...if the Why Store would have played prior to Obama speaking in Indy...there probably would have been like 10 million people there.

Surround that!

Slammin' Sam said...

i don't think the decemberists could draw half that crowd, even if free on the waterfront.... (nothing against them, though. they rock). "conservatives" are silly.