Ben Davis Giants, that is! This morning I had an interview at Ben Davis High School for a 10th & 11th grade English teaching position. I must have been a little more Josh Hamilton and a little less Dan Uggla in the interview, because they called me two hours later and offered me the position! This is not only a huge load off of my mind because I finally found work, I'm also excited because it's an ideal job. If I could have picked any job, I don't think I could have done any better than this one. They even have an open assistant speech coaching position that the principal is pretty sure I can walk straight into, so it keeps getting better and better. Furthermore, I'll get a bit of a pay bump, which, combined with the lower cost of living in Indianapolis, means I can have a porterhouse steak three meals a day for my board--that's more than any loafer in this town can afford!
Now the trick is to ease back into the "having a job mindset." Luckily, my first day is still three weeks away!
CONGRATS, Andy! How exciting. Try to avoid eating steak all the time, though, k? We want you to live past your 30th birthday. ;)
wtg, yo!
if you have as bad a first week as Uggla did at the all star game they probably won't ask you back. fortunately I don't think that's humanly possible. :)
Way to go dude.
Next cheeseburger's on you.
Sounds like the guitarist for Manjohn! has a new amp in his future.
too much beef = gout! Benjamin Franklin had the gout! you got a job a "Ben" davis highschool!
Coincidence? i think not.
congrats. guess that's a whole lot of time by myself w/ramona and syd when i'm in indy. good on ya, mate.
Congratulations, home fries! You should start a campaign to get "Gorbachov" as the new Ben Davis mascot.
Go Giants!
My Grandma was Ben Davis alumna. Class of forty-something, maybe even '39.
Bonus: You can watch planes take off and land on your lunch break.
The future of Wayne Township depends on you Mr Stuckey.
You're gonna make some kids a little bit cooler just by being there, and I'm sure they'll learn something along the way.
Rock on, and congratulations.
Congratulations teacher...now them kids is gonna get schooled...BIG TIME!
Yay! Congratulations! I'm especially excited for the speech coach deal for you! Do you think these kids will know what "pimpin'" is since they are older? I hope they know it ain't easy, in any case...
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