Saturday, October 18, 2008

Amazing Speech

There's been a lot of talk about the impact of race in this election. My dad passed along this speech by the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka, which I thought it was pretty amazing. He also brings up a point that's been making me crazy this election. Obama's not a Muslim---he is a Christian. But so what if he were? There is nothing wrong with being Muslin or Arab, damnit!

***I'll try to post something non-election related soon!***


Anonymous said...

Wow, that was pretty moving!

Slammin' Sam said...

that was really awesome. would that more people were that logical and passionate.

Anonymous said...

I like it.

Wish we were seeing more speeches and commentary like this.

Wish his comments were part of our national conversation right now.

I love your election-related blog posts!